Feijoa hedge

On the inside of our front fence we’re growing a feijoa hedge.

Our feijoa plants are young.


All green and full of fresh ideas.

And vulnerable.

Sometimes to look back is to cringe and physically feel the pain of the historical hurt like it was yesterday. One thing I like to do when my thoughts wander to the past is to seek out the gold nuggets, the precious gems…

Here is one gem that I still use often today.

It’s just a short term cash flow problem. 

Do you sometimes find yourself wading though your memory bank? Picking at old wounds? Drudging through the bad, the blah, the muck. Why do we do that? Could it be so we can find sparklers that we missed the first time, ie. the reasons we were ‘blessed’ with that (horrible) experience, that (fraught) friendship, that job, that relationship…

I like to think mining our memories for diamonds can help us worry less and live a longer healthier life.

We laughed today about a gem of a memory…a youngster seeing a couple kissing for the first time calling out with a measure of panic, ‘What are they doing? They’re eating each other!’.

Today’s harvest 🌱

If you find yourself wandering down memory lane today I hope you find a jewel of great value to you.


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