
We have a new addition to our garden.


Although they are both self fertile, we bought two because of the promise on the tag that cross pollination would increase yield.

I’m very interested in increasing yield!

Over the past 5 years my interest in obtaining a semblance of financial security has increased exponentially. The main driving factor? A strong desire to be able to retire one day!

In my study of all things finance, I’ve learnt all about yield. I love that my new found knowledge translates to our garden!

And I feel a bit daft that I hadn’t used that word already with regard to our garden, of course we’d like to increase our yield. Grow more than 4 apples, more than 2 plums, more than a handful of peas!

Increase yield. I like those words.

In August last year, I read that Warren Buffet had 1% of his current worth at age 50.

He he, since then I’ve been learning as much as I can about Warren.

In the afternoon sun, after our alfresco dinner in our little garden, my daughter sang The Sound of Silence.

I can hear her singing it again now as she gets ready for bed, her beautiful voice enhanced by the acoustics of the bathroom, filling our world, making me hum along.

An incredible melody, an incredible song.

It reminds me of The Silent Valley in The Phantom Tollbooth.

Today’s harvest 🌱

If you desire it, I hope your yield increases today!


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