Remaining still

My daughter and I enjoy watching the anime series Avatar (over and over).

Both Aang and Korra, but most beloved is Aang.

There is so much to love, a couple of favourites: Uncle Iroh (his wisdom and love of tea), Appa (a giant white flying Bison)…

It’s where I learnt about Jīng.

In Chinese, Jīng means power or energy.

We learn from Bumi that there are eighty five types (degrees) of Jīng but these are the key ones:

Positive Jīng – advancing

Negative Jīng – retreating

Neutral Jīng – listening and waiting

Neutral Jing –

Waiting, listening,

Alert, calm,

Attuned, present,


Awaiting for signs, the correct conditions, to alter your Jing.

Retreat…advance…remain still…

Have a wonderful day 🌱