
Can you believe something so beautiful is a weed?

It’s a wild bulb and it is rampant but I love it.

Without fail, starting in January, we get incredible displays. In the sunlight it’s like they emanate the suns golden rays.

Last year we emptied one of our garden beds. We removed the agapanthus and this wild bulb. Ha ha, we thought we did.

I’ve never seen a bulb survive a cull and multiply like this bulb.

I have to admit I was pleased to see them this year.

I would have missed them.

They make me smile.

And, I think, make our garden beautiful.

I wonder if the same could be said for what we consider ‘weeds’ inside of us, I wonder if some of them are what makes us beautiful and shine like the sun?

No photos of our harvest today (two fat peas 🌱), they were devoured before a photo could be taken.

Wishing you a happy Sunday like ours.