Many Faces

It’s been a long time since I’ve written.

A lot has happened.

February 2020 – Lil and I packed up our much loved home in Adelaide and moved to Sydney.

I started my new job at Industrial Light & Magic and Lil started at the brand new Inner Sydney High School.

Work took me back to Fox Studios, had time stood still? Ha, not says my mirror!

We found a place to live in Rozelle.

Sydney, the same face, with a patchwork of botox and plastic surgery but the same enough to trigger carefully stored memories, some welcome, others not so.

September 2020 – Rozelle became untenable, we moved to Annandale. Much happier.

But still struggling. The villian? Sydney/Covid? (Sydney property managers/landlords?)

In Annandale we found some happiness within our confined Covid existence, how I love the old terraces, sites & stories from early Sydney, the gorgeous tree lined street we lived on and the beautiful gardens, the frangipani’s, the scent of citrus blossoms, the lamingtons and hot cross buns to die for, the walk down to the tram and the glistening harbour.

September 2021 – But Sydney rose up again, saying don’t get comfortable! We moved to Summer Hill.

Just down the hill from Thorin, Genie, Indigo & Ben – and Misha!

Now that has put a smile on my face. We moved into one of the new apartments where the old flour mill had been. I loved the views from our top level apartment, in one direction gorgeous Summer Hill cottages snuggled into a sea of trees so often crowned by the golden setting sun and in the other direction the twinkling city in the distance. I loved the way the sun streamed into our apartment and, when covid retreated, the fortnightly markets with live music and delicious treats, our pizza nights up at Moonbie St and having the Munro’s down to our place. Summer Hill πŸ’›

May 2023 – But Sydney rose up again, was Sydney trying to kick us out? At the same time, an offer to work in Vancouver.

We packed everything into a container and shipped it.

June 2023 – Michal met us at the airport and stayed with us for two weeks to help us find our feet and settle in πŸ’›

Our container arrived in perfect time for us as we moved into our new home in West Vancouver.

And just like that, life felt lighter.

I joined a choir and a painting class 🎢🎨

It’s so beautiful here, the seasons, the mountains (often topped with snow), the giant trees, the crystal clear glistening water ways, our home with glorious views and a little fireplace ✨

And nothing better than a new job to kick your brain into fifth gear! Thank you new job, thank you brain.

We had our one year anniversary just a couple of weeks ago.

Lil has blown me away, in our first year in Vancouver, she was selected as the Marketing Manager of the Student Council, cast as Cady in Mean Girls Musical at Arts Umbrella and earnt straight A’s at school. For 2024/25 school year, she’s been selected into the International Baccalaureate program, voted the Vice President of the Student Council and, after auditioning, received an offer to join the Musical Theatre Troupe at Arts Umbrella.

Proud mum!

I’m going to try and pop in here more regularly.

It’s been a tough year in the film industry, here’s to things turning around soon, please take care out there.

Wishing you a wonderful day 🌱