Golden Delicious

Last summer we added an apple tree to our garden, a Golden Delicious. In October the little tree surprised us with bundles of beautiful pink and white blossoms.

And, can you believe it, in our first year, we have a crop of five apples! They are still little, about quarter the size of a tennis ball.

We are very happy with our apple tree, it settled in, immediately happy in our garden.

Talking about apples, I tasted a delicious apple at work the other day, a Sunrise, I wonder if we have room for another apple tree…?

May your day be one of those where you get to accumulate spare starlight for your pockets for that rainy day.


We have added some feijoa trees to our garden. Our first blossom.

One of our young feijoa trees in the afternoon sun.

A baby feijoa?

May the sun find your shoulders to warm today.


Today’s harvest

Freshly harvested for dinner, mesculin and fresh sweet juicy peas.

A chuckle from today: my daughter, after learning I used a new moisturiser said, “I thought you were looking younger”. Thank you for making me smile.

Our gladioli’s are starting to bloom.

Have a wonderful day!

Tiny Garden

Welcome to our blog.

What can you expect when you visit here:

  • pictures of our tiny garden as we turn it into an edible garden
  • things that have made us smile
  • things we are grateful for
  • things we have found inspiring
  • (and more as we learn about blogging)

Personal goals for this site:

  • a reminder to find the joy
  • to record our smiles, laughter, giggles and chuckles in words and photos
  • a reminder that we are responsible for our own happiness

Thank you for visiting.

Have a great day!